This is a picture of my me and my husband

This is a picture of my me and my husband

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

For the week Monday November 19 to Friday November 23 we learned a lot about fathers and the roles that fathers play. One thing that my teacher pointed out during class is a very intriguing statistic that I think is very important for all people to know. My teacher has said that research has proven that the number one way to prevent poverty is to have a father in the home. And I think that is so interesting. We learned that some people think that fathers are only good for bringing money for the family and that is the only purpose that they serve. We have learned that fathers serve many purposes in a family that are essential, especially for their children. When I did research to write my paper on fatherhood for this class I especially learned a lot about the impact that involved fathers have on the lives' of their children. As I was doing research I came across an article titled, "The Importance of Fathers in the Healthy Development of Children," and the article was found on the website from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service and the Administration for Children and Families. It talked about how fathers have a tremendous impact on the overall well-being of their children. Furthermore, it mentioned how the connection between a father and his child is linked to the child's (1) cognitive ability, (2) educational achievement, (3) psychological well-being, (4) social behavior, and also (5) the tremendous influence that a father and mother's relationship have on the state of their children's well being. It was interesting reading this article because I learned so much. I never had any idea that a father's connection with his child could affect his child in so many regards. I learned that a father's connection with his child will influence and impact his child's life forever.

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