This is a picture of my me and my husband

This is a picture of my me and my husband

Sunday, December 9, 2012

For this past week, Monday December 3 to Friday December 7, we have learned a lot blended families. We learned how blended families are impacted and we compared them to families that are not blended. We learned that blended families have particular challenges compared to families to families not blended. One of the challenges that blended families face, that we talked about, is that most often times it can be very challenging for the children to have one of their parents get remarried. One thing that I learned that I thought was interesting is that it takes about 2 or more years for a just blended or remarried family to come to terms of "normalcy." Thus, the remarried parents should be aware of this and the impact it can have on their children. I thought that was very interesting. Furthermore, we also learned that when a parent has just remarried, the birth parent should handle all of the discipline. This is easier for the child and they are used to having their birth parent discipline them. For the child it is harder when the step parent disciplines in the first stages of the remarriage. It can cause conflict and complications. We learned that it is easier for the step parent to act as if they are an uncle or an aunt. I thought that was a good comparison. These were some of the things that I learned this week about blended families that I thought was really interesting.

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