This is a picture of my me and my husband

This is a picture of my me and my husband

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

For the week Monday November 12 to Friday November 16, I learned a lot about communication. One of the things that my teacher taught us that I found interesting is a diagram that he showed us. He drew it on the board and all of the different parts on this diagram had an arrow point to the next and to the next and it continued until all of the different parts made a circle back to the beginning. The first part of the diagram is (1) Thought/Feeling. When we have a thought or feeling we then use an (2) an Encode. Encode means that we use words, gestures, or body language to communicate what we are thinking. But then we use a form of (3) media to further portray what we are feeling. There are different forms of media that we use for communication. Some of the forms of media include words, tone and/or non-verbal communication. The next step in the diagram is (4) Decoding. And when we use decoding, that means that we are interpreting the medium or the forms of mediums (or "media") used by the person using the forms of media. We learned that often times we have to be careful not to decode a form a media too fast because that can cause conflict and misunderstanding. And I thought that was interesting. Furthermore, after a person decodes the form of media that someone used to express their feelings, the person decoding then has a thought or feeling and it goes back to start. And then it continues until the next person has gone through the process of encode, media, decoding and then back to thought/feeling. I thought this diagram was very useful in understanding how communication works and how communication is interrupted and how communication can affects people.

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