This is a picture of my me and my husband

This is a picture of my me and my husband

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So, I am totally behind on writing my blog! I have totally spaced it. So I am going to write one to kind of catch up. Last week in my family relations class we have talked about some really interesting topics. One of the things that we talked about last class period was the differences between men and women. We also watched a video on this for our homework and it was fascinating to see how men and women are just born different. There are some things that are born instictinve in men and others in women, and you cannot change that. That is just the way men and women are born. For example, men have a protective kind of nature. Furthermore, women are known for having more of a cooperative nature and men, on the other hand, have more of a competitive nature to them. Another thing that we talked about is that women are more verbal than men. In addition, in the movie it also talked about how women can be aware of multiple things at a time, such having the ability to multi-task. Whereas, men have a harder time with that. Men are known for being able to hyper focus more. They have a harder time focusing on multiple things, and they just focus on one task at a time. But it was interesting, at the end of class, we talked about how all of the differences between men and women compliment each other. And men and women balance each other out. And that is why a man and a woman is needed in marriage because together, they can become one and unit. Their differences compliment each other. And that is why God has made it that way. Learning about the differences in men and women completely supported this fact, and I thought it was very interesting learning about this in class.

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